The B2G Insights Blog
Read our thoughts on modern marketing, GovTech, renewable energy, AI developments, policy — and more!
5 Simple Ways to Conduct Original Research for Powerful B2G Content
In the crowded world of B2G marketing, original research is your secret weapon. Cut through the noise with content that addresses real pain points, builds trust, and positions you as an authority. Let's explore proven, accessible methods you can start using today.
Key Differences Between the SLED and Federal Markets
Because of these stark differences, when marketing and selling in the B2G market, the government shouldn’t be treated as a monolith, especially if your goal is to build a trusting, symbiotic relationship with your government buyer.
SEO or PR? Strategies to Get Your Content Seen by Government Buyers
Whether you’re looking to close a deal or simply build brand recognition, a combination of modern digital engagement and tried-and-true PR tactics rooted in quality content are the best ways for you to gain visibility and build trust with your government buyer.
Discover the Pros and Cons of Government Buyer Personas
While government buyer personas are a great place to start for B2G marketers, they are limited in the amount of nuanced information needed for an effective content campaign. Armed with personalized information, you can guide your buyer through the sales process while avoiding known roadblocks and minimizing inefficiencies, which will create a better result for your buyer and your team.
How Local Governments Validate Vendors Before the RFP
Prove yourself before the proposal and maximize your chances of securing a competitive local government contract without spending time and money responding to an RFP. Here are the questions local government buyers ask to validate any vendor.
Write a White Paper That Resonates With a Government Audience
White papers join the ranks of webinars, articles and case studies as some of the most influential types of content government buyers turn to when in the consideration stage. Not only are they influential in swaying audience opinion, a relevant and well-written white paper also has the ability to change how a vendor is perceived, and bring depth and maturity to a business’ marketing strategy.
Insightful Articles Leave a Strong First Impression
Like a strong, firm handshake makes a lasting first impression, so can a well-written and inspiring marketing article. At the end of the day, government buyers and decision-makers are looking for a partner to help them solve a problem.
Case Studies Give Government Buyers What They Want
‘Pre-vetting’ of vendors is the new normal, which is why it’s so important for service providers to share content that answers questions, eases doubt, increases trust and responds to objections up front.
Case studies do all of this - and more.
In the crowded world of B2G marketing, original research is your secret weapon. Cut through the noise with content that addresses real pain points, builds trust, and positions you as an authority. Let's explore proven, accessible methods you can start using today.