Top 9 Ways Talented Copywriters Can Easily Bring Value to Your Business

How a talented copywriter can bring insane value to your business - and what happens when you let your intern do the writing.


First impressions matter. They matter a whole heck of a lot more in business because bad first impressions lead to zero sales. If the words you use in your business don’t vibe with a prospect, you’ll lose them in an instant. 

The same can be said for website format and design. A glitchy or poorly designed website just doesn’t work, which is why professionals are paid to do it right.

Your copy should be a reflection of your brand just as much as your logo font. 

Good copy gives the customer a taste of what to expect and forces them to create a value judgment about whether to trust and ultimately buy from you. Words definitely matter to your business. 

A talented copywriter can even use copywriting strategies to further your business goals. Yes, you read correctly. Good copywriters are also business strategists and should ask you about your business goals and marketing strategy. Your copy product should work for you. 

Here are 9 other ways talented copywriters can bring value to your business. 

1.Think about your sales funnel for a sec. Now think about all the different kinds of people in every stage of your funnel. The copy used at the beginning of the funnel is going to look a lot different than at the end. 

That’s why it’s important to think critically about who you’re targeting and where they are in the funnel. Talented copywriters find and use the right words to best resonate with who you’re targeting in each part of the funnel. 

 2. You could be missing out on a LOT of potential clients, just because of the words on your website. You’d be surprised by how your website’s ranking will improve when you use the right keywords. 

Proper keywords can make all the difference in how your business is found online. But did you know that keywords on a particular topic can change over time?  That’s why it’s important to continually audit and refresh your online content to make sure you’re using the most effective keywords for that topic. 

3. Have you ever stopped to examine who your customers really are? It’s ok if you haven’t, a lot of businesses do well without ever really going deep into the psyches of their customers. But if you haven’t done a deep dive into consumer behavior and trends, you may be surprised by who is missing out on your services. 

Copywriters research consumer market trends and even the psychology of buyers in your industry to inform copy techniques. We make sure you’re attracting as many potential buyers as possible by widening the funnel.  


4. Copy isn’t just words on a page to us - there’s actually a method to our madness. Careful planning goes into a good piece of copy. Depending on the message, the audience, and the desired call to action, there are different ways to write copy to get the desired result.

Talented copywriters research best practices and new trends in copywriting. What worked in 1985 may not work today, but then again some concepts will. Good copywriters nerd out on this stuff so you don’t have to.  

5. If you’re more into numbers, then you’ll be happy to know that copywriting is measurable. Most pieces of copy can be measured to track performance. Think: email opens, landing page hits, and ultimate customer conversions.

As a business owner, you already know the numbers of your business backwards and forwards. So if you’re not sure if your copywriter is doing their job, check your numbers. In my opinion, there’s always room to improve. It just takes a talented copywriter with business savvy to figure it out. 

6.  If you want to extend your brand to EVERY aspect of your business, hire a good copywriter to make it happen. You can use professional copy in ALL areas of your business. From video and podcast scripts, websites and landing pages, letters from the CEO, to printed manuals and welcome packets - good copy is needed everywhere. 

7. We both know that writing, and writing well, takes a lot of time. And honestly, it’s not everyone’s thing. If you’re still writing your own copy, take a second and calculate the number of hours you’re putting into creating marketing materials, writing blog posts, or managing your biz social media account every week. Got the number? 

Imagine spending that time on something, anything else. What would you do? Meet a few more prospects each week? Finish the online course you’ve been putting off? Attend the conference? Or even spend more time with family? Whichever way you want to look at it, hiring a professional copywriter frees up your time so you can focus on more important things. 

8. Already delegating your copy? I don’t blame you. Let’s face it, your Gen Z intern is doing a pretty dang good job updating the blog, right? But is that best for business? 

If you’re relying on staff to write biz copy, be careful. Unless they’re hired to write copy, chances are they aren’t properly trained and you’re not getting the best bang for your buck

Plus, you could be missing out on other amazing talents they could be bringing to the table if they weren’t stuck updating the company blog. 

9. Remember that good copywriting equals action. If your business depends on others to take action - whether that’s to click on a social media post to learn more or to click buy on a high dollar service - consider the value a good copywriter can bring to the table. 

If you’re not satisfied with your online performance or sluggish numbers, reconsider hiring that expensive business analyst. You may just need to re-write some old copy or add some fresh material to your online world. 

Chances are that high-quality copy that’s SEO optimized and targeted to your ideal client will improve your web presence and get the traffic you’ve been looking for. 

If you’ve gotten this far, you’re probably considering whether a professional copywriter is right for your business. Why not give it a try and see the difference it makes? 

BHD Agency LLC offers professional copywriting services for businesses just like yours. Schedule a free consulting call today to see if we’re a good fit. 


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