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What a Copy Editor Does and Why You Needed One Yesterday

When you hear the word copy editor, the first thing that probably pops into your head is publishing. Followed immediately by thanks, but not for me.

Totally get it.

Copy editing isn’t a widely advertised service. It’s something you didn’t know you needed - until you do.

Copy editors provide a valuable and underrated service that businesses like yours should jump on. They bring value to your business that can have a ripple effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Here’s why you should consider hiring a copy editor - before you really need one. 

But first, what is a copy editor? 

Copy editors are trained professionals who review written material for things you’d expect - like grammar, punctuation, and spelling. 

But they take it a step further and check for more complex things like:

  • Consistency of brand voice throughout

  • Incorrect choice or use of words

  • Matching tone to the intended audience

  • Easy readability and flow 

Copy Editors Bring More to the Table…

Beyond simply correcting these issues, good copy editors will offer suggestions to improve the piece overall.  

Think of them like a consultant - someone who sees the whole picture and catches things you didn’t know you needed to look for. 

Copy editors know what you’re trying to say, and help you say it in the clearest and best way possible. 

You’re probably most familiar with editors in reference to book publishing. 

But editors work in just about every industry. In fact, some copy editors specialize in certain areas like website and online editing, academic publishing, or editing marketing materials for businesses. 

Copy editors who work with businesses may:

  • Edit articles and blogs before posting

  • Edit marketing materials like slide decks or one-pagers before sending to the printer

  • Edit email newsletters before hitting send

This additional layer of review catches errors that your word processing software can’t pick up.  

Imagine sending out a newsletter to your entire database with a serious typo that Word or Grammarly didn’t catch, and then having to follow it up with an apology email… yikes. 

How Businesses Benefit from Copy Editors

Using a copy editor to do a quick review before clicking send can certainly save you the embarrassment of an apology email.

But beyond catching embarrassing typos and ensuring consistency of brand voice across all platforms, copy editors work to catch other mistakes that can make a business look unprofessional and potentially lose customers. 

We all know people have an attention span of a flea these days, especially when they’re online. Grabbing their attention is the hardest part, and once you do, you want to make sure they stay. 

Having an error-free about page, product descriptions, or welcome newsletter will go a long way to ensuring customers remain loyal. 

It’s hard to trust a business that can’t churn out typo-free emails… just sayin’. 

So next time, try out a copy editor and see how you’re business improves! Bonus points for using the same copy editor each time to ensure your voice remains consistent across all platforms.


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